this is my cute mom eating her favorite snack.
she used to eat 12 lemons a day. RIND, seeds, and all. now she's cut down to 1. it takes her will power people. in spades.
but she's strong.
momma mia never paid heed to "kid food" as distinct from "adult food". at our house you were either nursing or eating stuffed grape leaves and gyoza like everyone else. and yes we were nursing while talking and walking and writing cursive (wink).
food wise i'm my mom's "mini-me". and would roll my eyes when my friends' moms would cut the crust from their wonder bread.
but lately we've discovered some divergence. last night momma mia served "bichos" for dinner. for those of you who don't know spanish we're talking about plates full of bugs. with antennae. I refrained but O'lover, joined the meal late and helped himself to a giant bowl. and is still harboring ill feelings that i hadn't warned him but watched bemused as he rolled little crinkly legs in his mouth. nope, those weren't hard shelled bean sprouts.
my mom would make an excellent prisoner of war. a much admired quality is her ability to appreciate the protein in a worm laden apple or cherry.
o- how i wish i could be so practical!
thanks for all the varied foods you make us Momma Mia!