Check your
horoscope here.
I won't make you read my
horrorscope but its uncanny how Rob Brezny, of Free Will Astrology, is infuriatingly right. Damn him and his freakity freak charts!
Anyway, my sun sign calls for me to do a sort of confessional (not in so many words).
Here goes.
If i can manage it.
Forgive me bloggers, for i have withheld.
have you forgiven me yet?
ok, thanks, bye!
let's begin again. i can do this.
Hey Ollie? What should I confess?
Why do you feel like you need to confess?(i hand him the City Weekly with astrology reading.)
tick toc.
Uhhh. you do withhold a LOT.
k, people in all seriousness. i wish my blog were the kind of blog that helped me feel closer to people. like so many of your blogs. truthfully, my own intensity scares me shitless. but i've never experienced anyone else's intensity being too much for me.
so once upon a time, i got divorced. did ya know? and i was such a mess. like of the worst kind of mess. i went to stay with my sister in san francisco. and she picked me up from the airport. and i was such a mes (really!). but there is something inside of me that will not allow me to be a mess in front of little kids. and Tammy picked me up with her friend's 9-year-old kid in the car. so we sang songs from the Carpenters and you would have never in a million years guessed i was a disaster area. faker, that i am. i ended up staying with the nine year old in her house near the Presidio while all the adults were at school or work. It was my salvation!
This awesome kid took me (who was i fooling? i must have been like a zombie!) to a circus for Kaiser Permenante employees. And she totally lied that we were related to one of the doctors and got in! Then we went from booth to booth and she told everyone my story which her parents told her (which i would have never done) and pretty much every single person at that fair hugged me and told me their sad stories and gave me their e-mail and phone numbers and hugged me some more.
and i thank ashley (the then nine year old). because she made sure the universe embraced me and made me a coping human again.
Here's Ashley now.

"[the] mandate in the coming months is to overcome those challenges as you learn to express yourself with ever greater candor
and clarity
and clout." -Rob Brezny
Mercy! Okay okay!
p.s. i hope to hear from all you other scorps soon!

How well are you capitalizing on this year's unique opportunities, Scorpio? Now that we're halfway through 2008, let's take an inventory. One of the most important things you're doing, I hope, is increasing your effectiveness as a communicator. What do I mean by that? While it's true that you Scorpios gather information more skillfully than any other sign, you aren't necessarily as blessed when it comes to
sharing information. In part that's because you believe that keeping secrets enhances your personal power. And in part it's because you sometimes forget that other people aren't as clued in to what's happening below the surface as you are. Your mandate in the coming months is to overcome those challenges as you learn to express yourself with ever-greater candor and clarity and clout.