Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Shiva and Jim Morrison are... the house! sort of.

"Shiva" (the destroyer) is what one calls oneself when wielding
a mighty hammer with this result:

Jim Morrison's "break on through to the other side" is what one sings while hammering.

the cottage has been off limits to innocent visitors as we've spent our stay-cation doing our annual holiday de/construction.

result pix are coming up soon.

Happy New Year Y'all!

may 2009 bring ever more deLIGHT.


Gritty Knitty Revival

i lost my patagonia fleece headband in chicago earlier this month.

and have been F R E E Z I N G... until my woolly habits reawakened from a long dormancy.

YAY for wool and pointy sticks!

i started with me. under my fur hat is a...and the knitting moved on to the brothers.
and full(er) coverage for ollieMany thanks to the fine models!

Who's next? Tam? What can I knit for YOU?

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

sustainable ginger bread houses

The New York Times wrote an article about green-inspired gingerbread houses.

Such as this one:

And this one:
So clever and timely with their windmills and solar panels!

But, like a proud mum, i'm partial to the passive solar homestead i designed for Provo's candy windows.
with a raised bed winter garden, notice the coldframe.
dear reader, beware the effects of working with stale candy nonstop for a full week-- my mind is recreating everything i see into candy. it's like a trippy video game that doesn't stop when you close your eyes.


Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live in a snow globe?

well, if you went to Provo's open-air Christmas Market you now know!

mother nature decided to shake the snow globe...vigorously
and upside down.

Thanks to all the hardy folk who braved the icy roads and came to the market!


Monday, December 15, 2008

with the cool weather comes a shift in pace

and all i want are

s l o w n e s s,

simple beauty,

and a purple-topped turnip fresh from the winter garden.the garden looks spent but the truth is it's packed with
root vegetables such as carrots, parsnips, and turnips.

how ollie prepares turnips:

Dice and put in boiling salted water for 3-5 minutes. With slotted spoon transfer the turnips to a cast iron skillet and saute in butter until golden brown. Add beef or vegetable stock. Chop fresh parsley (from your kitchen window garden) and add to the stock while reducing.

So good.

Friday, December 12, 2008

dear blogoshere

i've got a case of stage fright.


i'm still kicking. just scared of


(and will i later take it back down.)

so i've decided to "consecrate everything to my own good". no regrets.

that's a good frame of mind to be in.

i like it!

am i talking to myself?

echo echo.

off to renew my costco membership so that i can decorate our booth at the farmers market manana. it's going to snow! YAY!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Provo's Farmers Market presents... Open Air Christmas Market!

Here are the details:
We just got done with promoting the market at the downtown Christmas parade. So fun! Everyone's excited about next Saturday.

Also, when you come to the market be sure to tell Lori Stubbs (Stubbs Family Farms) "Happy Birthday!"
