Saturday, October 4, 2008

Bartering 101

Sometimes i like holding a dollar bill and wondering about all the people who have touched it. It makes me feel closer to humankind to share germs.

but other times, like when i have a hankering for a Raw Melissa dessert and Real Foods Market is closed, who needs filthy lucre??? Not me!

hmmm...what else to trade...


Anonymous said...

are those the sugar free macaroons?!

**ps look at my blog sometime at my latest 'idea'. you will like it. it's a kids hut that you plant beans, grapes, and raspberries on.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE that Melissa! We bonded almost a year ago over a be-slinged Proximo.

Anonymous said...

I've had those macaroons and LOVE them. And I bet your eggs are pretty good too!! What fun bartering!! I love you Raquel!! I love your Ollie too!

Anonymous said...

they have maple syrup in them so i don't know if you'd want to eat them while first getting off of sugar. i'm super sensitive to sugar (crash immediately if i eat even a tiny bit) but have never had a prob with these macaroons. i think it helps that the coconut has so much protein. the macaroons i would recommend for now are the Jenny Macaroons in the yellow round container. ask for them at the health food store.

azucar, i can see how you two would TOTALLY get along...

suzy, money is making less and less sense to me. i'd rather forego it as much as possible. p.s. I love you MORE! ;)

Anonymous said...

You and Mellissa look so adorable in these pictures. What fun trading is!!!!!