Nathalie "cut" my hair. outside. or it would have been the worst kinda stink in la casa. Have you ever been around burning hair? It demands good ventilation.

this is ryan watching the burn.

Rye surprised me at our front door yesterday. He now has his PhD and lives in tucson where he conducts research about water purity. I wish Rye would never cut his hair. Anyone who has seen him with his hat off knows he has the BEST hair.
Anyone care to back me up on this?
he has seriously good hair. as in amazing.
i'm starting to panic wishing you knew how great his hair is. eeeeeee!
p.s. burning the ends of your hair is supposed to help prevent split ends. and you probably do not want to try this at home. it can go from tip to scalp in .5 seconds.
wow. and i thought my haircut was bold...
what a fun weekend you had. it's so awesome that you're so involved.
You are so darn brave. I can't wait to see your haircut. You are so pretty and I love your blog.
I have seen Ryan with out his hat on! How long will he be in town?
(P.S. Tomorrow is my birthday and all I want is a little kambucha tea start of my very own. Hint, hint.)
Before I met Ollie I secretly wished you would marry Ryan because I dreamed of grandkids with his kind of hair.MM
ollie (aka chiggy)- when i first received your comment my ollie was sitting right next to me and i was so confused that he had just sent me a comment. but its YOU! Thanks for stopping by chiggy.
my dear anonymous momma mia,
yeah, with Ollie's genes our kids could have RED hair. That must make you very hopeful and happy. =)
b, sometimes you need a vacation to recover from all that fun. speaking of fun...thanks for living one of my alternate lives. if i weren't knee deep in my life i would be leading one similar to yours.
oh, and rye had to be back to work this last tuesday.
Happy Birthday. I did not forget, in fact i wished you a happy b-day YESTERDAY and i hope i was the first one. i bet you're having a birthday MONTH, so please invite me to one of the parties and i'll show up with your little hungry monster, i mean kombucha.
Ummm, I always thought that heat caused split ends (think blow-driers, curling irons). Besides, just seeing the pic of that candle near your hair scared me to death. GP, don't do this again, or at least hide the evidence!!!!!! Too Scary!!!!! Nag nag nag nag nag nag.
Ahhh, feel slightly better.
djinn, ha! i would have guessed you are an accomplished pyro! (are you?)
reading your comment prompted me to inspect my hair. and, are you sitting down? i STILL have split ends! urgh. i don't think my hair qualifies as a good test study. it LIKES to have split ends. twice the hair per follicle!
First your comment about Doug Fabrizio and now this. It would seem that you you are a true connoisseur of hair.
(Me too.)
As a former Provo-ite who just stumbled onto your blog, I can attest that Ryan's uncapped hair is a sight to see.
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