Gardeners: Utah County Jail inmates
Size: 5.25 acres
Location: Utah County Justice Garden

And he protested "There is no ugly in gardening!"
I countered, "What about really rank compost?"
Adrian insisted "Compost is always beautiful!"
"What about slug infestations?" I pressed.
"Slugs are beautiful!"
I thought it humorous that his words weren't coming out of my mouth. Because when have I ever thought there was anything ugly about gardening? Hmmm? the end of this post you will see that there is indeed "ugly" in gardening.
When we arrived I was...surprised. I thought we'd have to be searched, turn our pockets inside out, stick out our tongues to make sure we weren't doing the old smuggling-contraband-in-the-gullet trick...I don't know, I thought I would be "checked", you know, like last time I went to jail.*for the full incarceration story see me. oh and never give your child a legal name that they forget they have because they've never gone by it and their good friends don't even know it so when a pal goes to pay your seat belt ticket that you got in their ill equipped truck and they can't find a ticket under your name so you think you got off easy-freezy but really there is a warrant out for your arrest, well, just give your kids a name they're actually called. p.s.Momma Mia I really like my legal name just fine. bygones. Remember how this post was about gardening?
But we drove up and it was just fields of gardens, not a barbed wire fence in sight. Not a weed in sight either. With 6,000 people hours looking after this garden, it's breathtakingly perfect.
Adrian was showing me the flowers that edge the crops and explaining the generosity of local nurseries that donate seeds when...i was embraced by an inmate.
i was so startled.
so was Adrian
and the deputy.
But it was my young friend PF. And after I got over my delight at seeing him and asking him his story, I was suddenly nervous that maybe it would be thought I was faking an interview for mischief's sake.
(but I wasn't.)
YOU GUYS, the justice garden is a great thing. It started when some of the inmates complained about the jail food, and a wonderful visionary named Lieutenant Dennis Hart had an idea. Let's turn those fields into a garden and use the fresh produce in the kitchen. The gardens became part of the Utah County Jail's Job Industry Program which is now the #1 job industries program in the entire nation.
Did you read that? #1 in the country.
Last year the garden produced 82,000 lbs of food. They use it in the jail kitchen, and donate the rest to the Food & Care Coalition; the Share the Harvest program (in Orem where they sprayed for the japanese beetle and residents couldn't grow gardens); Meals on Wheels for senior citizens; and to others in need. They also stocked me up.

PF told me that as soon as he's out of jail he's going to start his own garden.
This year the jail started an orchard. Deputy Barney opened a peach and handed me half. Yum.
I agree with Deputy Baldwin when he said there's "Something so rewarding about planting a seed and watching it grow." They grow everything at the jail. Including this beautiful broccoli.

Special thanks to Sheriff James O. Tracy, Director Jo Murphy, Deputies Baldwin and Barney, and to Adrian Hinton. What a wonderful garden! Thanks also goes to Carpenter Seeds and other local nurseries who generously support the garden!
Are you inspired and want to help? Donations of packing tape are requested. The jail is in need of packing tape to reinforce the boxes that they load with food donations. You can drop off the tape at the Utah County Jail.
Wow...I had no Idea Utah County could be so progressive. Great reporting.
This is excellent, and God bless Dennis Hart!
Not a clue this went on. Fabulous.
What a fabulous field trip!!
( are you organizing a valleywide tour-of-gardens to rival the historic homes tour? you tour will be yummier. when is it?)
What a great example for the rest of the country. Hopefully they will follow it.
very very cool.
I'm so glad you made it out there! It's such a great program. Thanks for the report.
Wow--is Utah County becoming progressive? Do they have culinary certifications? This is inspiring!
Wow! Thanks for letting us know about this. I had no idea. Great post.
This is so beautiful. There is so much to love about Utah. And you.
That is incredible! That is A LOT of food!
such a great story and program!
YES! GREAT REPORTING!!!!!! Oh! I was having a very bad day until I read this and now I feel all cheered up! Leave it to a garden and picture of Raquel and a watermelon to make me feel the sun again. Muah! thank you!
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