Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Provo's Inaugural Ball

all grandiose plans to knit myself an Inaugural ballgown were abandoned. sniff. i would have preferred something less "funeral" and more patriotic.

three generations of Callis women went to the ball. do you recognize my mum-in-law? she teaches art at wasatch elementary.

the red carpet!

hey we're early! why is it already packed? see obama peeking over andi's shoulder?

and then my camera died and little alarms started going off in my head reminding me of the construction urgency at home. so i skated and slid in my slippery boots all the way back to the cottage to continue the endless build fest in the attic.

see many more pics here.


Anonymous said...

andi is a goddess divine! thank you andi!

Anonymous said...

Now I feel like Obama is ALWAYS looking over my shoulder. The pressure!

Hey, you are the one to thank for getting me the phone number to that singer! She totally made the night.

Anonymous said...

We were so sad to have missed it. Looks like everyone was beautiful and happy! Hey, do you know about any kids art classes in Utah valley? Liam and Anouk are begging EVERY day to do art projects and I'm running out of ideas, steam and ambition. my email is vincentfamily (at) gmail.com

Anonymous said...

And of course, I wish I were at your ball, especially.

Anonymous said...

I watched the First Dance with my babe on my lap, a bun in the oven, and tears in my eyes... all over my face really. The whole thing, from the private prayer session to the ball(s)- was amazing! YAY US!

Anonymous said...

mirjam, your creative kids! i will ask my mum-in-law about classes. i wish i was still an art teacher! let's do a project sometime.

tam, every day i wish you were here. or i was there.