It's been going something like this:
We went to SLC to the farmer's market. We were late with our payment for our CSA share from Zoe's Garden so we
had to go to their market booth. Being part of the CSA
means we get fresh organic produce all season long while supporting a local farmer and NOT doing dumb stuff to the planet (like all of that stinky pollution from transporting food an average of 1500 miles) or to me (like eating pesticides). We pick up our food every Monday at Pioneer Park in Provo. Mondays are my new favorite days!! Our food changes every pick-up according to what's ripe at the farm but looks something like this:

Then we went to the Wasatch Gardens

to join the downtown salt lake backyard chicken coop tour. BUT THEY WERE GONE. Ahwell, next year.
But across the street i spied a beautiful house.
And who came out the front door? None other than the gorgeous newly engaged
Suzanne Heaton! I heart Suzanne.
She's house sitting for an artist couple and asked if we wanted a tour. YES!! (if it's no trouble). She also offered us tiny pieces of gum (trident) suzanne is nice that way.

me gustan esos colores...

and the his/her studio complex in the back.
then we went to sugarhouse to the green building supply center. one of Olie's favorite places. he could talk to the lady owner for ...well, he has talked to her for HOURS. Their business is going super well. they're expanding to the two storefronts next door.
We bought clay paint..."Isis" for our living room and "Curry" for the dining room.
the paint is washable, rich, vibrant, ancient mayan pigments, hand-crafted quality, zero VOCs (volatile organic compounds), and on and on...
they had me at ancient mayan. J/K they had me at "feel the texture of this paint sample." oh boy.
Before pic of dining room (with Robyn Gumaelius sculpture in the corner):

Stay tuned Mama (one of the two people i told about grittypretty) for the results of my mucky clay ventures!!! YAY for CLAY!
p.s. we had ikea icecream cones on the way home. so gross and disaapointing! they have like NO FAT. i gave mine to Farmer (or as hannah says, 'farmie"). he licked it right up (and dribbled all over the back seat. i gave my doggie sugar, what kinda ma' am i?)