-smitty is peeved. until i come visit his family in China. Why am i reflecting with great happiness about his peevedness? Because when smitty is peeved, by golly, i will travel any distance to smooth things over. And when that entails a trip to China...
Fabulous Sweet Nectar! I'm going to China!! (this fall)
Bottom: the Chinese speaking city savvy kids who will be my guides!
the goodness continues...
-Somebody is MORE plagued by jealousy than me! Really this is brilliant news! The winner is...Levin from Anna Karenina. So what if this jealous madman is only a fictional character! Geesh that guy bellyflops off the handle at the slightest "tucking of the leg." I on the other hand, have valid provocation. My O'lover receives constant admiration from discerning floozies.* I've witnessed half a dozen women coo in Ollie's ear, while clinging to his arm, "I wish my husband/boyfriend were like you..." Even the lovely PREGNANT cashier at the market has confessed her wish for a husband swap! And my comeback to all this? Something vague about the discontinuation of sharing spouses...a familiar concept in these here parts. Mumble mumble...I could take you... in arm wrestling...mumble. The truth is...shhh...i've turned a leaf...evolved. I'm not so jealous of Ollie's fan club. In fact I'm flattered. I captured the flag and I staked my claim, my lover is MINE (he told me so). Frosting on the cake...All those Ollie compliments are really mine too!
And lest you think I have conquered my noTorious astrologically-given "flaw" (scorpio)...
I'm jealous of Georgiana's goodness (and skinniness), I'm jealous of my sister's high hematocrit count and her BRAIN, I'm jealous that my boss always makes people laugh and puts them at ease at what could otherwise be tedious meetings...I'm jealous of people who aren't preoccupied with our civilization's imminent DOOM and jealous of Z and K and probably YOU. sometimes I'm even jealous of MEN who can grow facial hair! Even more jealous if said facial hair is thick and wiry!
In other words...there's plenty of fodder for my resident green-eyed demon.
*p.s. I love, understand and completely sympathize with the above referred to "floozies" (AKA all my wisest friends). And right backatcha cause your lovers are cute and talented too.
I'm not done yet...
-I'm also grateful that Prairie Home Companion EXISTS! And that they rebroadcast Saturday's show on Sunday. I love PHC sooo much that I might hafta name my kids "Prairie"... and... "Homie"...yeah
-lastly, my gratitude spilleth over 'cause my grandma Frances taught me about pincurls. when it's this HOT (pushing 105 F) one must be shorn to BALDness or have PINCURLS.
thank YOU for stopping by, next time you'l get a cup of tea....
I've always been jealous of your hair. You'll have to teach me how to do pincurls when I get down there. Congratulations on going to China!
Yes, I'm jealous of you too... the effortless gorgeous provocation that is Raquel... it would take a long time to explain all the reasons I'm jealous of you...
I have a resident green-eyed demon too...yahoo! I'm more like you!
I'm jealous of all of your awesome skirts.
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