My boss told me to slack off. It's been an incredibly stressful time at work as we reformulate our sources for funding. So I'm taking some time to track down my voice.
Where did I put??? "Come back to momma. I will let you out more often I promise guarantee!" I'm going to start saying whatever I want. Stop, determine if its true, and alter my statements as necessary. And this blog will help me. This blog is about dropping anchors in time and having a life outside of work. My sister, with her elephantesque memory, will not be my only crutch. I will rely on my blog now...to prod my memory and...
I will be all"sparkly and new" (anyone recognize that reference). And I will- damn it! have opinions and more importantly I will know what they are!
Everything for a mighty long time has been about to-do lists. All the books I read have had one thing in common: how to be more effective at work, how to get more done, woe more colleagues, and lead from the middle. blah blah blah.
So its time for fiction, for laziness (at least until my boss gets back from leading girl's camp). It's time to channel my love into my home...
BUT THEN...I just got offered a second job. One that I can't refuse. With Provo City. Putting up their art shows in their brand new Center for the Arts.
Bring on the diet coke with lime!
Raquel, I'm having fun exploring your blog. Glad Sue linked it, or I might've never known . . . .
You are looking very Mary Pickford in this photo. I love it.
Thanks Geo! Rachel Bowen Gray took the pic.
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