Strawbale Greenhouse- Impromptu Plaster Party Part 1
The tension wires have done their job, everything is level and after eight months of settling the tarps have come off and the structure is ready to plaster.

Jason, Oliver, Liz, James, and Georgiana...where's Georgiana? I can't find the video I took of her!

This first layer of plaster is a clay slip. We mix straw with it to patch holes.
The 1 1/2 story greenhouse will have a living roof and inside we will have a ship's ladder to a cozy loft.

Tess and Annalisa- the directions say to paw the clay into the straw like cats.
Here's a pic of the interior with the matriarch/guardian of the hen's quarters.

Lots of thanks to everyone for their help and to potter Andy Watson for donating red clay he harvested from Hobble Creek Canyon.
Our skin is spa soft. Thanks also goes to our neighbor Clair for donating really expensive tempered glass for the south face and to another neighbor, Paul, for the fire engine red cement mixer.
p.s. Many of our ideas about green house air flow, etc. come from a visit we made to the Central Rocky Mountain Permaculture Institute last year.
neat blog page. thanks for the comments re the coal hearing. JW
now I am even more sad that you weren't home when I stopped by last Saturday. Such fun projects you've been doing! I would have loved to see them up close. (I was killing time while my husband was at an appointment around the corner from you and knocked at your door in hopes of a drink of water and a friendly face--no luck) emily shakespeare
omygosh who did that painting!? that is gorgeous!
omygosh who did that painting!? that is gorgeous!
your kin Ollie did that painting. i'm so glad you like it.
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