O'lover keeps reminding me how indebted i am to him.
it's very annoying.
(but i deserve it.)
we took our dog Farmer on the gallery stroll again. We're supposed to be taking turns waiting outside with the dog while the other one quickly looks at art and then comes back. The key words are "comes back". to trade off holding farmer tightly so he doesn't slather-lick kung fu kick every passerby.
but time has no meaning while looking at art. well, for me. o'lover, on the other hand, never leaves me in the cold for more than two minutes. and he always saves the last bite for me whenever we share food. and he always opens the car door. all the thoughtful courtesies.
and he never gets mad (at me.) unless we're designing something together in photoshop and then he threatens to dangle me out the second story window.
Yay for thoughtful people!
and i don't know if this is for good or ill but i think i'm rubbing off on him. he's more demanding and has a lower tolerance for the high maintenance folk of the world. So when O'lover is reminding me that i owe him big time...
i'm annoyed. but also secretly ECSTATIC that i can't get away with everything.
(maybe this would make sense if you personally knew us?)
back to losing track of time because i'm having such a freaking fabulous time on the best evening of the month...

Mike Kelley (from college), Danny (a fellow PHS alum), and gorgeous Kim (Mike's wife whom i've only met briefly twice but who exudes coolness). Mike and I were able to gossip about some Krazy Kids we know. good times.
Cindy writes a great blog that takes you on all sorts of clever adventures. in fact because of her jet set ways, and my avid reading of her blog, i just got back from a fabulous month in England (but she's the one with the jet lag).

is-debonair Brown. We took a pic of me standing next to him but if i posted it you'd think i was eighteen inches tall when really it's Ruel who is exceedingly large of stature. He made Monsters Rule at Mode Boutique. It's up for the rest of the month. Please check it out!!

Some people have the prettiest shoes...(those people are cindy and janelle.)
This was the last pic before my camera's battery gave up the ghost. I took it while waiting outside with the dog while O'lover was sprinting through the gallery so he could then relieve me from my wiggly social doggy duties.
next gallery stroll we are getting a dog sitter.