this pic was taken after O'lover and I already chowed some of the delicious home made lemon cookies.

Zina thank you thank you thank you! The handwritten note, the lemon wedge watercolor, the divine cookies (how'd you know they're my fav?!!!) the promptness & prettiness of it all! you are the best!! Seriously warmed my heart and filled my belly.
So now Zina avert your eyes!
Dear everyone else: If you ever want to do an itty bitty special anonymous nice thing for someone DO IT FOR
ZINA. it's a wise investment with generous dividends.
i'm commenting on my own blog because i talk to myself regularly. and my hands talk to each other too...in fact my left hand is saying to the right hand "hey you're not supposed to advertise any good works; i'm not supposed to know you're the balloon fairy." and the right hand is replying, "you don't know nothing and stick out your thumb because we just missed our ride to the poor yorick studios."
off to art land...
The packaging is beautiful and the cookies look crispy and perfectly lemony! YUM!
i'm so happy you enjoyed!!! i took a gamble on the lemon b/c they're my favs. . .and you know, birds of a feather. . . I am so happy to know you are the baloon fairy, seriously, as soon as i got over the delighted shock of the balloons i just had a hunch it was you! today in church a girl came up to me a said that i had made her day the other day, she was sitting at her desk and looked out the window and saw me ride by with all those balloons and it made her so happy! so yours in the gift that gives and gives! THANK YOU for being so thoughtful and sneaky and wonderful! hero status to the max! xoxo
you are so wonderful! let's start a revolution and be balloon fairies and lemon cookie nymphs! imagine...
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