Susan and her ol' pal art prof
Bruce Hixon Smith.

Springville Museum of Art is soooo polite with its disclaimers.

No me gusta hot dogs but i LOVE paintings of them. Especially when rendered by
Mr. Wayne Thiebaud (who was at the Springville Museum this very day!).

Oh! I could slurp up his thick heavy frosting paintings. I feel a bit diabetic just from looking.
So glad you post pics of Susan for me every once in a while!! Looks like you guys had lots of fun looking at undraped figures at the Springville Museum. I wish you guys would come visit me here!!!! Would you come if I undraped?
woohoo! i'll come visit if we all dance nude, i mean undraped, in the moonlight! heehee.
I might steal that painting of B.Hixon Smith. I love that man. I want a doll of him to sit on my bed.
Undraped? I'm still trying to decided whether to drape my lady bug painting or not. Undraped don't sell as well. Sigh.
Can we have a party this summer? SHeesh Draped...drapes...moonlight? whatever.
that cracks me up! vern is a bit of a softie who would let you off the hook for stealing that bruce painting, don't ya think? (plus vern loves a good story)hmmmm...
usually clothes BUG (dates the art). but your love-e-ly clad ladies are timeless.
i just keep going to blog after blog about w. thiebaud and i'm nearly in tears that i missed this.
If you had to kiss any of your teachers who would it be?
pamo, urgh. next time i will make sure to tell you so you can come down. i can't wait!
susan, you are hilarious. would it be safer to say i would want to kiss them ALL or none? =)i'll have to give it some serious thought and get back to you. meanwhile if anyone else wants to say who they'd kiss...
which teacher to kiss? I'm thinking...
I've thought about it and if I had to kiss a teacher that wasn't Dan little hotty yum yum, I think I'd kiss Von on the forehead and bless her.
I'm just lucky Brad teaches at BYU now!
I'd kiss all of them besides Von since Cass has claimed her. Does anyone out there like pda as much as me? Does anyone else out there think about pda ALL THE TIME?
Quel, no one thinks about pda as much as you.
I love you.
I love that sign! Of course, I prefer "al fresco" to "undraped."
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