Take 1

Yes, that's me in the BYU Museum of Art in a commercial for converse shoes for Chris Cutri's film portfolio.
Yes, that's me looking five months pregnant because grains are the staff of death and i've been joyously/wrecklessly nibbling away at everything Provo Bakery has to offer. If only i had been given more than one day's notice to lay off food that i'm highly allergic to (stomach- of-steel O'lover forgot to mention that he signed me up for this gig.)
Yes, that's Dan Barney playing the part of a haughty art connoisseur and looking fantastic. he had to hold that cup of dusty fake champagne for more than two hours.

Other cast members include:
super model and makeup artist Danielle, a really cute skater boy (where the converse shoes come into play), haute couture model- Sabrina Squires, and Oliver-- who can eat anything and not have repercussions. lucky bleep.
Click here for Cass's version of events.
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