Hey Ollie,
I have a huge crush on you. Can I keep you for always? Cause you're the love of my life. Thank you for making your beautiful art and your amazing music. Thank you for watching British Comedy with me and for liking Clean Sweep even though it's not cool. Thank you for climbing 10 c effortlessly the very first time we went... and for snowboarding off of cliffs even though i think that's crazy insane and non-repeatable in a "not over my dead mangled body" sort of way. Thanks for always reading everything you can get your hands on and for drawing charts and graphs with your elegant lines and euro handwriting. Thank you for your kind, gentle eyes and your melt my heart smile. Thank you for saying you love my poochie butt in your Matthew McConaughey southern drawl every single day. Thanks for blinking. I like watching your eyelids miraculously lift...GASP... those long eyelashes (seriously, don't your eyelids get tired from the weight?) You are cool in every way. More than anything I want to grow old and twinkly-eyed with you.
Happy Third Anniversary O'Lover!
August 11th, 2007
August 11th, 2007
Happy Anniversary to one of THE most perfect couples ever!
Here's to an eternity of happiness.
True Love! How fortunate you are to have found it. Congratulations.
thank you!
and i must add that we ALL lucked out with our spouses! it goes without saying that they lucked out big time too. =)
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