we took Farmer on a walk along the river. He's a water dog but oddly enough he refused to accompany us down the steep hill to the river... where there's WATER... that he LOVES. O'lover and I proceeded down the ravine and after much futile coaxing, calling, whistling and demanding that Farmer join us, we climbed back up the hill to see what the blasted stubborn dog was distracted by. We finally found him... in the bushes...interrupting a couple who had been... uhhh...mid love session...this is WAY WORSE than walking in on someone using the loo, and way worse than the time that someone tried to join me in a private shower stall at the temple. Amidst many "sorries" we got Farmer the hell out of there so fast, that I'm still wondering was he policing the couple? do we have a chaperone doggie? or was he trying to get in on the love fest? I will give the couple credit for at least trying to get it down in the bushes rather than on the bridge or at the side of the freeway, or on top of a table at Borders.
Changing gears to reverse and putting the pedal to the metal, here's what happened this last weekend:
I learned that LeeAnn and Mark Hillam are moving to the land of "Laverne and Shirley" AKA Milwaukee. In their defense... it's just too great of an opportunity to pass up and who knows, maybe they'll come back in a few years.
I grew up in the midwest/great lakes area and can testify to its beautiful glimmering waters, super nice people, and fascinating art filled cities. It will be a great thing for the Hillams, even though i'm personally sour about it. Especially after our conversation late Friday night. LeeAnn, you make me LAUGH so hard and I love your views on everything.
This is a pic of the Hillam's workshop. Mark is an amazing salvager of all well crafted pioneer home elements. READER: If you need any cool old doors, windows, columns, etc. contact me or the hillams. they will set you up!
Queliscious- I too am mourning the Hillams departure especially because I just got here and was looking forward to lots of laughs and good times with those charming folks. Sigh...
Dan and I promise to come out of our house as soon as we can find our way through the maze of boxes.
i'm so flattered to have made it on your loverly blog my dear. such a treat to see you both there!
p.s. check mine for a pic that is long over due to you
Sad I missed the Gallery Stroll. See you next month.
I never see ANYTHING that interesting on the river trail.
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